Agency: adam&eve DDB
Head of Production: Victoria Bennett
Producer: Erica Serio
Executive Creative Director: Daniel Bonder
Creatives: Jordy Malloy, Toby Kennedy
Production Company
Production Company: Pulse Films
Director: James Marsh
Executive Producer: Davud Karbassioun
VFX Production
VFX Production: The Mill
Senor Producer: Luis Martin
Shoot Supervisor: Kshitij Khanna
VFX Creative
VFX Creative: The Mill
Creative Director: Gavin Wellsman
2D Lead Artist: Krissy Nordella
3D Lead Artist: Emily Meger
2D Artist: Anton Anderson, Drew Maloney, Joe Taylor, Joseph Yoon, Kevan Lee, Matthew DeFranco
3D Artist: Ciaran Moloney, Jonathan Lee, Scott Denton
Matte Painting: Cedric Mernard
Colour: The Mill
Colourist: Fergus McCall
Executive Producer, Colour: Rochelle Brown